Evaluate Your Values To Increase Your Worth

Rowan Blair Colver
4 min readFeb 8, 2021


Lucid Leadership by Rowan B Colver

Be Choosable

People like to choose services that reflect their individuality, and their personality. Companies and artists that best reflect the scene their work plays a part in eventually find themselves sought after. This is because we buy things based not just on necessity, we also buy based on what we identify with. When we are confronted with many options, all providing something we desire or need, we choose affiliation with one or the other. This happens in the same way we choose things like friends or places of worship. We like the feeling we get because on some level it reflects a part of us. This is why we make personal choices, they are the ones that make us feel the best.

Communicate Your Values And Reason For Trading

So, our values need to be apparent in the services and products we generate. This way, customers can identify with us on a personal level and become fans as well. Loyal customers and fans are the mineral veins that the marketplace craves. We have to remember they are people and they have the choice to go elsewhere. So attracting them and keeping them really is a matter of communicating the brand personality as much as possible.

How can we evaluate our values?

Look at how you react to various impetuses. What do you get passionate about, and what do you find yourself talking about when given a chance? What is the method of disapproval communication you use when confronted with something you dislike or find repulsive? What kind of things do you dislike and find repulsive and why? All these things and more are used in communication in overt and subtle ways to display our own values.

What Is Your Motivation?

Explore your motivations. Why do you make certain choices? What drives you to get to work and make the most of your time there? For what reasons do you work in the sector you work in? Our motivations also communicate our inner values and if we make them part of our vocabulary this will build rapport with like-minded people.

Does This Translate To Your Job Well?

How do our values influence our work? So it is considered a luxury and a privilege to work in a sector that fits your values precisely however we usually make concessions based on what we can generally accept. This means we have things that we will not accept. Our personal values interplay and interfere with our work values and can clash with the values of the business we are in. Businesses have consensus values across their sectors that run through society as a whole, identify these and communicate how these affect you.

Is This An Ideal Or A Reality?

Are your values based on reality? Imagine you don’t like onions and you find them repulsive. The smell, the taste, the way they sting your eyes, and even their colour turns you off. You avoid onions. No big deal, right? Well imagine owning a cafe and you never served onions to anyone. You would lose custom for sure. Next, imagine that you make a face whenever anyone asks for onions and you comment on how revolting they are. Can you see the problem there? You have let your personal feelings about onions interfere with the consensus on onions. Society likes onions. Not wanting to handle onions is your problem and not the problem of society. By ridiculing someone or shaming them for liking something that you don’t, you’ve shown incorrect values. Good leadership is about gelling the community. We can take the onions analogy and take it to anything legal and acceptable in society.

Read The Room

Are we making judgements based on different contexts? We think we know the difference between right and wrong. Did you know that the majority of crimes committed are seen as a form of justice by their perpetrators? Without breaking known laws, we can still behave in ways that others do not like even when we feel completely justified. The lines between right and wrong are too often blurred when we see them from the perspective of one. This is because we have strong affiliations to our own personalities, our own life. It’s very difficult to give the same benefit of the doubt and the same leeway to people who behave differently to us. Suspicion is a normal trait, and so we can not be expected to understand the moral background of complex interpersonal situations. It takes a well-cultured and well-read person to begin to appreciate the network of energy that ties entire communities together. Provided the law is not being broken and no one is suffering unnecessarily, then reserving judgement and allowing the general consensus on a matter to go ahead is the best way to ensure we don’t slip up.

What Do You Bring To The Room?

How has your experience shaped your thoughts and feelings? When we notice patterns we like to think they will happen again. We have a tendency to find patterns in anything whether it has a pattern or not. Analysis of complex data provides all kinds of pseudo-relationships which if studied in more detail are just the natural progressions of random chance. We may have experienced certain negative things and now let this dictate how we view new situations. This is problematic because your negative experiences were most likely completely random and nothing personal or intellectual on a social scale. A level playing field ensures that everyone is given a free run into your marketplace and has every opportunity to find a personal relationship with what you have to give.

Recommended Read: Critical Thinking: Making the Most Sense out of Your Deceptive Mind and Perceptions



Rowan Blair Colver

Music writer and humanities educator from Sheffield in England. Democracy of philosophy, comments are welcome. ko-fi.com/rowanblaircolver